Category Archives: News

Supporters’ Day 2024

Saturday, 22nd June 2024

Where? Anglican Communion Office, St Andrews House, 16 Tavistock Crescent, London W11 1AP – two minutes walk from Westbourne Park tube station on the Hammersmith & City line.

Programme? Tea and coffee from 10.30am. 11am welcome and introductions, with Communion Service at midday, followed by a simple provided lunch.

The afternoon includes contributions from: Rachel Parry who, with a previous PNG connection and distinguished USPG history, now has a key role in the Anglican Communion; our PNGCP visitor, ACPNG Archbishop’s Personal Assistant, Thelma Guni; +Peter Ramsden on
the consecration of the Bishop of Dogura; an update on current ACPNG developments; showing of a newly re-mastered archive film. 4pm finish.

What now? Diary the date and, to help with catering, let Janet Wells know if you are
coming on 020 7582 9905 or pngcpoffice [at] please.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Christmas 2023 newsletter

Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas. Our chair’s letter and newsletter are available here.

Back copies of newsletters and other reading materials are now stored on our new Google Site.

If you wish to notified when a newsletter is published, please email us at pngcpoffice [at] and we will add you to our e-mailing list.

Supporters’ Day – Saturday, 23rd September

Dear friends,

You are warmly invited to our Supporters’ Day on Saturday, 23rd September 2023.

Our venue is the St Andrew’s House, 16 Tavistock Crescent, London W11 1AP. St Andrew’s House is a 2-minute walk from Westbourne Park tube station on the Circle, and Hammersmith & City lines.

Please arrive from 10.30am for coffee.

We have a full programme for the day, including welcome from Bishop Jonathan (11am) and a Communion Service in the Anglican Communion Office’s chapel (12 noon).

We are pleased to welcome Rachel Parry who, with a previous PNG connection and distinguished history with USPG, now has a key role in the Anglican Communion. We will also receive reports from the Partners’ Meeting and have a showing of archive films of PNG church life.

A simple lunch will be provided. We hope to finish by 4pm.

It would be helpful to know numbers, so if you can, please RSVP to Janet Wells on 0207 313 3918 or

We look forward to seeing you and enjoying the day together.

Yours sincerely,

PNGCP Committee

** POSTPONED ** PNGCP Supporters’ Day

Dear friends and supporters,
We are postponing our Supporters’ Day on Saturday, 13th May. 
National Rail strikes mean that for many coming into London will be challenging, if not impossible.
We are looking at dates with the Autumn a likely alternative; we hope to be in touch shortly.
With our best wishes.

Save the date + RSVP – Supporters’ Day, May 13, 2023

Dear friends and supporters,

It is so long since we met to renew friendships, share stories and catch up on the latest news
about the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea that we hope you will all be able to attend
our Supporters’ Day on May 13th. Our programme will begin at 11am (coffee available from
10.30) and end at 4 pm, with a service in the chapel at midday.

The venue will be the Anglican Communion office (ACO) at Westbourne Park in west
London. We met there for our last gathering before the pandemic limited our activities. The
premises, chapel and garden room are very appropriate for our meeting and easily
accessible from London main line stations for people coming from outside the capital.

We have been surveying the considerable collection of films that belong to PNGCP and will
be showing one or more of these during the day. The committee will update everyone on the
grants that we have made recently and the processes we have put in place to encourage
maximum accountability for all your generous gifts to the PNG church. Rachel Parry, who
was previously USPG’s representative on our committee, now works for The Anglican
Alliance, based at ACO, and will be joining us to speak about her work.

Of course, there will be introductions all round, especially as we have some new trustees
and committee members – both, under our new CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation)
Constitution. And we should like to hear from you about any activities you, or your church,
have undertaken on behalf of our friends in PNG, not least, perhaps, your meetings with the
Bishops and their wives when they were in the UK last year.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend the Supporters’ Day. You can email or call us, or even write to us at our ACO office. A finger food lunch will be provided (with vegetarian
alternatives) so to make provision, we really do need to know if you are coming!
Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you on May 13th!

Yours sincerely,
Janet Wells

Westbourne Park station is on the Hammersmith and City tube line that is easily accessed
from Kings Cross, Euston, Waterloo, Marylebone, Victoria and Paddington Mainline stations.
The ACO office is a three minute walk from the station.

PS. We have spare copies of books by and about ‘us’ for sale or donation. We do not have a
card machine so bringing cash would be helpful. If this is not possible, Jan will provide you
with bank details for payment later

Meet the Bishops

Further to the summer newsletter and Bishop Jonathan’s letter, below are details where the Bishops will be preaching or attending services as they travel across the country.

Guests and supporters will be most welcome. 

10th August – 7pm at St Ignatius, Hendon, Sunderland. Eucharist followed by a chance to meet and talk with Acting Archbishop Nathan and Mother Jessica.

14th August – 10am at Christ Church, Morningside, Edinburgh. Acting Archbishop Nathan will be preaching.

Further updates and photos to follow.

Summer newsletter and Lambeth Conference

Dear Fellow Supporters,

Welcome to this summer’s Newsletter, and as always, a huge thank you to our editor, John Rea, whose persuasive ways and dogged determination to pursue both stories and photos, enable this Newsletter to appear so regularly. Thank you, too, to those who have sent him both photos and information. As this edition shows, he gathers information and personal details that enable our prayers and support for the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea to be so much better informed.

A number of us will have an opportunity to engage with three PNG bishops and their wives as the Lambeth Conference comes to an end. The Trustees of the Church Partnership, together with its wider supporting committee, will meet with them on Monday 8th August in London and have conversations together about where they and their dioceses are in terms of the issues they face, the use they have been able to make of the support we give them and, no doubt, some reflection on what has emerged from the Lambeth discussions.

Then, they will spend a day in London, hosted by those members of the committee who are London residents, before dispersing to three separate areas of the country where, I hope, a wider number of people will be able to meet with one of three couples: Acting Archbishop Nathan is going to the north-east of England and then to Edinburgh; Bishop Lindsley to Coventry and Oxford; Bishop Reginald to Suffolk and Cambridge. My thanks to all who are involved in hosting them.

The Conference itself has just started as I write this and it looks as though Archbishop Justin’s hopes – of a Conference which acknowledges the significant differences in thought, theology and pastoral approach but is nonetheless able to find a greater sense of unity and purpose and witness beyond those – may be running into early difficulties. I personally find it a huge sadness that my retirement from full-time episcopal ministry has come before this much-delayed Conference is finally happening and that I am not therefore able to play a part in helping the Conference be what it could be.

Of course there is not much that any one individual can do, but I have always passionately believed that Jesus’ own conviction was that our support of one another, and our holding together in fellowship, common love for one another and shared love for God in Christ is what should predominate.

This Partnership of ours with our brothers and sisters in ACPNG is a tiny part of that holding together. God grant that it may continue to bloom and grow.

Bishop Jonathan Meyrick
PNGCP Chairman

August 2022

Easter newsletter

Dear Fellow Supporters of the work of the PNG Church Partnership,

May I, first of all, wish you a very Happy Easter, preceded, as it has been, by a particularly harrowing lent and passion tide for so many around the world. Easter joy and a personal involvement in the reality of suffering entwine together for so many and for so much of the time.

The dawn of new life and hope will emerge, and we must surely all be praying for that to happen swiftly. The reality is that the Risen Lord also remains the Crucified Jesus. The pain, anguish and bitter suffering will remain for so many long after the fighting stops. May that happen soon.

May I also welcome you to this edition of our regular *** Newsletter ***, with continued thanks to those who make it happen. Principally, though (as he would be quick to point out) not exclusively, we have the indefatigable energies and persistence in soliciting material of John Rea to thank for ensuring we have a Newsletter to read. Thanks seem to me to one of the themes underlying many of this collection of stories and news. Thanks, and an emphasis on what can be achieved through community effort.

The community-wide involvement is particularly evident in Simon’s summary of the regular reports sent in by Morrison Wiam. They tell a good story of a determination to engage with a real issue around the response to Covid in the remote Highlands, and the range of people involved in helping to address it. Many people have cause to be thankful for that. I hope we might be saying something similar about the success of Bishop Lindsley’s Clergy Wives’ Ministry. The Newton College Update reminds us of the need to thank Bishop Jeffrey Driver, Fr Giles Motisi and his colleagues for all their commitment to the Newton work. It is so good to know that clergy training is still being delivered, and that more and more becomes possible. Our thanks, too, that so many people here and elsewhere continue to support this work. We hope and pray that the Norwich Lent Appeal for SagSag’s Health Centre has gone well, and I am sure you will find your hearts warmed as much as mine was by Lynn Fry’s telling of “Stella’s Story” – in the one of the places where Bishop Nathan’s Community Project for Covid Awareness and Treatment has been active.

I want to express our thanks, too, to Margaret Poynton, whose ministry of support in Dogura Diocese has now ended. Margaret has done such an important job there (and before that in Lae), often enabling key parts of the communications link between ACPNG and us. Get well soon, Margaret, and Thank You. We also need to pray, please, for one of our Committee members, David Robin, who has recently suffered two strokes. He is making progress, we understand, from his faithful friend, Antonietta. Thank you, David, too, and Get Well soon.

Finally, may I ask if any of you would be interested in joining us on the PNGCP Committee, specifically to “represent our wider supporters”? Please contact us, if so.

May God Bless us All, and especially, his people in Ukraine,

+Jonathan Meyrick
PNGCP Chairman

Easter 2022

Chair’s Letter (PDF)

World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical initiative led by Christian women. This year’s day – on March 4th – is organised by the National Committee of World Day of Prayer for England, Wales & Northern Ireland (EWNI) with the theme, taken from Jeremiah Ch 29, of “I know the plans I have for you”. The artwork for the Day was designed by Angie Fox, wife of Bishop Peter, Bishop of Port Moresby, 2002-06. More on the Day can be found on the EWNI website.

Christmas Newsletter and Chairman’s Letter

Dear Fellow Supporters of the Anglican Church in PNG,

I am glad to commend to you the PNGCP’s Christmas Newsletter for  this  year, and to have this opportunity of wishing you a very Happy Christmas. I hope you manage to have the kind of joyful celebration you have been hoping for. There are some signs around that restrictions will tighten again to keep Covid’s latest variant at bay, but there seem also to be signs that we may discover that those of us who are fully ‘jabbed and boosted’ are still sufficiently protected to prevent this variant from oversetting all that we have achieved recently.

One of the aspects that has struck me as these last 21 months have unfolded has been the remarkable way in which people from across many different disciplines have been working together to help us through it all. Even to see the Prime Minister flanked by academic medics rather than fellow politicians, as we did day after day, points to that.

You will notice that a number of the articles in this Newsletter have an emphasis on what can be achieved by working together in cooperation. Bishop Reginald, the new Bishop of New Guinea  Islands, refers to his hopes and plans of working together with both clergy and lay folk to effect further progress in the provision of care; in more efficient administration; in putting diocesan finances on a sounder footing; and in focussing the Diocese on its journey of faith  and mutual support. The Girls Friendly Society speaks of the way it works with the Mothers Union; the Kiki Learning Centre tells us of what it achieves with volunteer teachers; the Franciscans remind us of the way they are held together across the world; Newton College describes a very productive working relationship between Bishop Jeffrey Driver in Australia and Fr Giles Motisi on the ground in Oro Province.

At Christmas, we focus specifically on the way God worked with Jesus’  parents to bring about his redemptive presence in the world in the Baby of Bethlehem, destined through his Crucifixion and Resurrection to be the ultimate example of divine / human working together.
Aipo Rongo Diocese is working with its Church Partnership Programme in a determined effort to mitigate some of the particularly difficult scenarios in the fight against Covid in the remote rural areas up in the Highlands. You will find that referred to  alongside our financial support for all the PNG dioceses as they seek to be involved in tackling this issue. I have just written my cheque in its support – I do hope you will join me. It’s one way in which we can join the “working together”. Thank you.

All my colleagues in PNGCP join me in wishing you and yours, and our very dear brothers and sisters in ACPNG, a truly blessed, peaceful and joyful Christmas and a New Year full of promise.

Bishop Jonathan Meyrick
Chairman of PNGCP 

December 2021

Christmas Newsletter
Chairman’s Letter (PDF)

Thank you to everyone who came to our Supporters’ Day

Thank you to everyone who came to our Supporters’ Day two weeks ago. Also, thank you to those who lead and contributed.

For those amongst you who were not able to attend, a recording is available below.

Click to play video
Or copy and paste this URL

We look forward to next year, when, we hope, we can do in person or perhaps (for those further afield) in “hybrid” form.

Best wishes,

Reminder: Supporters’ Day – Thursday, 11th November

Dear friends,

A reminder for our Zoom event on Thursday. Login details and indicative agenda below.

We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible for what we will be a good evening (or morning for our friends in Australia and Papua New Guinea).

Topic: PNGCP Supporters Day 2021
Time: Nov 11, 2021 07:30 PM London (NB UK time)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 3975 5983
Passcode: 459179

Agenda –

  • Evening Prayer (ACPNG rite)
  • Contributions from PNG
  • Introduction to our new Treasurer
  • Introduction to new members of the Committee
  • An opportunity for all present to introduce themselves, give news and ask questions
  • Update on Lambeth Conference Plans

ACPNG Newsletter 28

The Anglican Church’s latest newsletter is here. Thank you to Annsli Kabekabe from the National Office for sharing. Enjoy reading!

p.s. back copies are stored here

PNGCP virtual gathering – November 11th @ 7.30pm (UK time) [Zoom invite]

Dear friends,

Here is the Zoom invite for our virtual gathering on November 11th. We look forward to “seeing” you for what will be a lovely evening (or early morning for our guests from PNG and viewers from Australia*). For the agenda, please see here.

* November 11th @ 7.30pm in the UK will be November 12th @ 5.30am in Port Moresby and 6.30am in Sydney. 

Topic: PNGCP Supporters Day 2021
Time: Nov 11, 2021 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 3975 5983
Passcode: 459179
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+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 822 3975 5983
Passcode: 459179
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Invitation to a PNGCP virtual gathering – November 11th @ 7.30pm

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I write on behalf of the PNG Church Partnership, whose Trustees asked me to take over the Chair following Bishop Peter completing 5 years at our helm. Some of you may remember that he relieved me after a short three years due to the volume of commitments I had at the time. I have now retired from my full-time role as Bishop of Lynn, and look forward to giving more time and energy to our work supporting our colleagues and partners in the Gospel in ACPNG.

We hope you are well, and have come through these last 20 months relatively unscathed – though most of us have had some degree of loss or illness through it.

Next year will see (finally) a Lambeth Conference and we hope our Bishops from PNG and their wives will be here in the summer, when we will have a gathering with all of them. Meanwhile, we thought we should have another Zoom gathering this Autumn, and we hope you will join us.

The date is Thursday, November 11th starting at 7.30pm, and aiming to be finished in an hour and a half.


  • Evening Prayer (ACPNG rite)
  • Contributions, we hope, from PNG to include the Central Office (Acting Archbishop Nathan and Dennis Kabekabe), the new Bishop of New Guinea Islands (Bishop Reginald), the Diocese of Dogura (possibly Bishop Tennyson, and Margaret Poynton)
  • Introduction to our new Treasurer (Jan Nicholson) and an update from her on how we are holding up, and recent support given
  • Progress on a calendar by Ed Backhouse
  • Introduction to new members of the Committee, and a reminder of our new (CIO) structure
  • An opportunity for all present to introduce themselves, give news and ask questions
  • Update on Lambeth Conference Plans

** Please RSVP to so we can send you the Zoom link. We will also share the link on our website and via email, but it would be helpful to us to have your email in advance. ** 

On behalf of the Trustees and Committee, I send my prayers and best wishes,

Jonathan Meyrick

Summer Newsletter

Read our summer newsletter and chair’s letter (also here) below –

Dear Supporters,

I am glad to have this chance of writing to you just a few weeks after being brought back as Chair of the PNGCP Trustees. Bishop Peter has been such a good Chair over the last five years, when I stood down to concentrate on other aspects of my then-widening ministry. It was mean of us to grab him so swiftly after his retirement as Bishop of Port Moresby, but he rose to the challenge instantly and with great assurance. His own knowledge of the Anglican Church there was a huge boon for us, and we thank him for all he has given us through these years.

Years that have seen us move to a new legal status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. As this edition of the Newsletter notes, there are seven Trustees, of whom Peter remains one, and we are the body charged with the responsibility of making decisions for PNGCP. We do so following meetings with the wider group to spread the expertise and interest input, and each of the five others who join us have particular responsibilities in our life and mission. John mentions most of them in his piece about these changes; I would just add that we are also joined by Barry Slatter, a non-stipendiary priest from Bury St Edmunds Diocese who has, over recent years, put so much energy and expertise into successfully furthering a number of church-building projects, so far mostly in Aipo Rongo Diocese; by David Robin, son of Peter a missionary priest in PNG last century, who is helping our Treasurer with the Gift Aid administration; and Sue Martin, a non-stipendiary priest with an interest in education, who has taken over as our link representative from Norwich Diocese.

Sue has replaced my former PA, Ann Whittet, who stood in for me whenever I was not able to get to meetings and who has been a Minute Taker over the last few years since Gill Wilkinson retired. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ann for that; she had a keen interest in our work, and it’s only stopping now because of her role in the Diocese is increasing and she will no longer have the time. I am grateful to all my Trustees and Committee colleagues, and not least to John Rea, who works assiduously with this Newsletter and has supported successive Chairmen in their roles through his competent and dedicated holding of the Vice-Chairman role.

As always he has given us an interesting and stimulating edition: I join him in congratulating Bishop Reginald of New Guinea Islands Diocese on his recent consecration. I remember meeting him on several of my visits. Any Bishop must be amazed by the thought of confirming 527 teenagers in one village confirmation. I thought Bishop Lindsley had done me a great honour in asking me to lead the confirmation we shared of 300 or so back in 2012. I see now he was merely limbering up for his own marathon this June! There is so much more – enjoy and read, and thank you for your support for ACPNG.

Bishop Jonathan Meyrick
PNGCP Chairman

New Bishop for New Guinea Islands

The latest from ACPNG is that Fr Reginald Makele has been elected as the next Bishop of New Guinea Islands Diocese. Fr Reginald Makele, 51, is from Sag Sag in the Cape Gloucester area of West New Britain. He is married to Cathlyn – also from West New Britain – and they have three children, Abel, Ruth and Junior Reg. He has spent much of his ministry in Port Moresby, including Gerehu and Morata parishes, and as Bishop’s Chaplain and Dean of the Cathedral. He is currently the Anglican Chaplain to the Police. A date for his consecration has yet to be announced, meanwhile PNGCP sends our congratulations, prayers and good wishes to the Makele family and all in NGI Diocese.

Fr Makele and family

Update on COVID-19 in Papua New Guinea

With thanks to Sue Ramsden for sharing, here is a video from the World Health Organisation featuring Professor Glen Mola at Port Moresby’s General Hospital on the challenges Papua New Guinea and hospital staff are facing responding to the pandemic and encouraging uptake of vaccines.

Outside his work, Prof Mola attends St Martin’s Boroko in Port Moresby.

ACPNG Newsletter 20/21

Here is the Anglican Church’s latest newsletter, featuring:

  • Message from the General Secretary
  • ACPNG inauguration
  • Updates from Aipo Rongo, Dogura Diocese and Newton Theological College
  • Church Partnership update
  • COVID-19 update in PNG
  • Anglican Alliance COVID-19 resource hub
  • Condolence Messages for Grand Chief Michael Thomas Somare and former General Secretary, Richard Rabiafi

Coronavirus response

Many of you will be aware that so far (at least compared to the UK), Papua New Guinea has largely escaped the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Alas, from these recent news articles – BBC News and ABC News – this no longer appears to be the case.

In response, PNGCP’s Committee agreed last week to provide grants for the Church’s dioceses and Anglicare in Port Moresby. Diocesan Health Secretaries and Anglicare will be able to spend as they see most appropriate with a recommendation that the grants be used to help provide clean water supplies and promote good hygiene.

Easter Newsletter

Easter Newsletter – to read click here.

Chair’s Letter –

Dear Supporters,

If we thought that 2021 would bring a quick resolution to the coronavirus crisis, the various lockdown measures in UK since the new year have shown what a long haul it will be, even with the impressive roll-out of the vaccines. In PNG things have seemed much quieter up to now. As I write this (in mid March) there are still only 21 deaths reported, but the news is of a dangerous spike in cases – a seven day average of 87, but 354 reported today. Reports in the Australian media are ringing alarm bells about the capacity of PNG’s health services. No one has been vaccinated in PNG at present, although the country will receive them under the COVAX scheme. The Australian government is being lobbied to send vaccines directly.

PNGCP sent some emergency funds last year to the Anglican Health Services and to Anglicare, and I fully expect we shall be doing the same again this year. Your regular financial support, for which we are always grateful, helps us do that.

Meanwhile, we have positive stories to share in this edition. From Dogura Diocese Margaret Poynton writes with news of extra clergy training for these widely scattered ministers, and the Bridging Course at Newton College, to raise the educational level of new students, has been a great success.

There is also an article, from one of my former clergy in Port Moresby, about the isolated settlement of Moreguina in the parish of Cape Rodney. In 2013, when ACPNG hosted Archbishop Rowan and Jane Williams for a week, a government helicopter took them from Popondetta to Dogura for a few hours before returning to Port Moresby. On the way back they had to stop to refuel …. and landed at Moreguina! The Melanesian Brothers who lived there were somewhat shocked, but very delighted, to find that the Archbishop of Canterbury, accompanied by our own Bishop Jonathan Meyrick, had just dropped in to say hello!

PNG has had nine Prime Ministers since independence in 1975. Two of the former PMs, Sir Mekere Morauta and Sir Michael Somare, have died recently. Both made a great contribution to nation building and have been warmly remembered.

My thanks for your prayerful and financial support for PNGCP. Enjoy this newsletter and may the good news of Easter sustain faith and witness here and in PNG.

Bishop Peter Ramsdem

Easter 2021 Chair’s Letter
Easter 2021 Newsletter

ACPNG Newsletter 20

Here is the Anglican Church’s latest newsletter, featuring:

  • Message from General Secretary
  • Mt. Lamington Commemoration Service and brief history
  • Literacy graduation at Taraka, Lae
  • Communications & Media officer’s visit to Injim and Kompiai
  • COVID-19 update
  • Thanksgiving and prayer for February

Farewell to the Bishop of Lynn

Here is a link to a farewell service in Norwich Cathedral on the occasion of Bishop Jonathan’s retirement. Bishop Jonathan is not leaving the PNGCP committee, but this completes his service as Bishop of Lynn and his steering of the Norwich-PNG Link.

From Norwich Diocese –

“On Sunday 24th January at 3.30pm, as a Diocese we will bid Farewell to Bishop Jonathan. Bishop Jonathan will preach at a service which will be live streamed from Norwich Cathedral. Gathering together online we will give thanks for the many gifts Bishop Jonathan has shared with us during his time here as Bishop of Lynn and during his extensive and varied ministry in the Church.”

ACPNG Newsletter 19

We are pleased to share the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea’s latest newsletter.

  • Message from the General Secretary
  • Information sharing on carols by candle light
  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities
  • Creative artist makes portrait of the St. Paul’s and St. Peters Cathedral
  • COVID-19 update

Christmas Newsletter

Letter from our chair and our Christmas Newsletter

Dear Supporters,

Greetings to you all at the end of this extraordinary year. The PNGCP committee has spent the year zooming instead of having our regular meetings at the Anglican Communion Office in London, which itself has been closed. I’m very grateful for their individual contributions, not least that of Simon Courage in setting up our virtual Supporters’ Day. Meanwhile, as always, John Rea has been busy producing yet another excellent newsletter, which I trust you’ll find informative and encouraging as we seek to walk with our partners in PNG.

There are plenty of ups and down to share. The saddest news has been the death of former archbishop, Allan Migi, who only recently resigned due to ill health. We have sent our good wishes to Mother Mary and their children in Gasmata, West New Britain. ACPNG will need all our prayerful support as a new archbishop and bishop for NGI Diocese are elected.

According to the World Health Organisation, as I write this on 1st December, there have been 656 cases of Covid19 in PNG resulting in 7 deaths. No, I haven’t missed off some noughts! In the circumstances of the global pandemic and our own experience in UK, that is wonderful news. But it doesn’t mean that PNG has a fully functioning and adequate health service. There are many major problems just under the surface of PNG society, as the article from Heni Meke, National Director of Anglicare, shows.

There are also positive stories to share concerning development of coffee business to help local communities in the highlands of Aipo Rongo, support from the GFS in Popondota and Port Moresby dioceses and the gradual but solid improvements at Newton College.

Our supporters are scattered across the UK but it would be right to say that a particularly strong contribution comes from Norwich Diocese, thanks to their link of over 50 years. Bishop of Lynn, Jonathan Meyrick, has been their representative on PNGCP in recent years, and has been joined at our committee meetings by Ann Whittet, his secretary, who has been our efficient and cheerful minute taker. As he retires we thank them for their past contribution and future involvement and look forward to the next phase of the PNG/Norwich Link.

Speaking of supporters, I was very sad to hear of the death of Sybil Bennett from St John’s Eltham. Over the years she wrote regularly to us in PNG, hosted us when home on leave and encouraged others to support PNGCP. My thanks for her and to all the other “Sybils” out there who support our work by prayer, donations and the sharing of interest in the Anglican Church of PNG. Thank you for everything you do. May you have a blessed, peaceful and healthy Christmas, confident of God’s presence with us at all times and seasons.

Bishop Peter Ramsden

Archbishop Allan Migi

Today (22nd of October), Allan Migi, the former Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, passed away. Please see a letter from Dennis Kabekabe, the Church’s General Secretary.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Allan’s wife, children and family.

ACPNG Newsletter 16

With thanks to the National Office, here is the the Anglican Church’s latest newsletter, number 16, featuring updates from the Diocese of Port Moresby, PNG’s independence day celebrations and on the pandemic in PNG. View on our Dropbox site – click here.

Supporters’ Gathering REMINDER

As mentioned in our previous email update and newsletter stop press, we will be holding an online Supporters’ Gathering on Wednesday, 16th September (PNG’s Independence Day) at 7pm UK time.

We’ll provide an update on how PNGCP’s grants have helped Newton College, the response to the PNG Earthquake and health grants.

We hope you’ll be able to join us via Zoom.

The meeting will also be recorded for those unable to make it live.

ACPNG Newsletter 14/15

Read the latest newsletter from the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea here. Produced by the National Office, this edition features:

  • Message from the General Secretary
  • ACPNG Stories for the month
  • Newton Theological College update
  • COVID-19 update

Bishop Bevan Autobiography

With thanks to Br Christopher John SSF, the Minister General of the Franciscans who came to our Supporters’ Day at Cambridge last year. Br Christopher has shared for general circulation Bishop Bevan Meredith’s autobiography.

Bishop Bevan was Bishop of New Guinea Islands and then Archbishop of Papua New Guinea after George Ambo.

Archive Films

We’re delighted to post the first of a number of archive films from Papua New Guinea. Our first video is a fascinating treasure – archive home video from the Papua New Guinea highlands in the 1960’s, filmed and narrated by Father Peter Robin.

Peter went to PNG as a missionary in 1954, serving in the western highlands under Bishop David Hand who recruited him. At that the time the mission organisation was New Guinea Mission, and missionaries worked alongside recruits from other Anglican missions such as ABM. After working in a number of mission stations he was posted to Simbai in 1958, staying for many years. There he met Olive, who went to PNG as a missionary nurse in 1956. Peter and Olive went on to serve as missionaries at Koinambe in 1966, where they build their home the mission house and the airstrip in 1966. Together they helped establish the Anglican Health Centre in Koinambe, and Peter become Anglican Chaplain at Balob College, Lae. They had three children who were all born and lived in PNG until the family left in 1974.

Supporters’ Gathering

In common with many organisations, we are holding our events and meetings online. Our annual Supporters’ Gathering is no exception, an opportunity we hope to use to feature material direct from Papua New Guinea, including updates on our recent grants to the Anglican Church.

Whilst we organise the format and confirm speakers, we ask you to please hold the date: 16th September at 7pm (PNG’s Independence Day).